I’m an Italian audio-visual artist, author, educator, poet and performer, film and theatre director.
As a freelance expert and trainer, I spend much of the time collaborating with schools. I research with kids on the relationship between soundscapes, imagination and collective memory of the community. My goal is to develop the awareness of active listening, being also inspired by the research on soundscape’s studies. Workshop in details > LINK
I’ve been creating several international poetry performances and theatrical shows held in all Europe, South Korea, Brazil. With the poet Marina Kazakova I’m performing in all Europe and USA.
My sound installations and films have been exhibited in Italy (Rome, Florence, Trento, Lecce) and all around the world. I won several prizes for sound installation and films.
As an author and multimedia expert I worked for Rai Radiotelevisione Italiana in Trento and Milan, for University Luiss Guido Carli in Rome, for several foundations and museums.
Liceo Linguistico di Riva del Garda (TN), 1989
University of Trento, Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, 1997-2003
University of Trento, Faculty of Philosophy, 2021 – ongoing
Courses and workshops
Centro PsicoPedagogico per l’educazione e la gestione dei conflitti di Piacenza: So-stare nei conflitti (Treviso, 2014), La domanda maieutica (Milano 2015)
Atelier di movimento ASD Culturale Milano: Pedagogia dell’ascolto, il metodo Tomatis (Milano 2013), Stage di audiopsicofonologia, metodo Tomatis (Abbazia di Sant’Antimo 2012)
Libera Università dell’Autobiografia di Anghiari (AR): Pratiche autobiografiche per il racconto di sé (1999-2001), Educare è Narrare (2023)
Art, film and theatre education
1994-2022: workshops with the Italian writers, actors, directors and artists Francesco Niccolini (Montagne Racconta Festival, Trento), Maria Consagra (Scuola Paolo Grassi, Milano), Laura Curino (Teatro Settimo, Torino), Giovanni Piperno, Edoardo Fracchia (Format Centro Audiovisivi, Trento), Pietro Marcello (Zelig Documentary School, Bolzano), Adrian Paci (Museo Le Gallerie, Trento).
Latest Publications
Some of my lyrics and drawings have been published in national and international journals and collections. I am coauthor of anthropology, ethnobotanical research books published in Italy and articles on soundscape’s educational research published in France. I’m the author of the novel “Quaderno armeno/Armenian book”, Nous Editrice 2023.
Publications list
Press clippings