Ecophilia Now – Athens Festival

19-20 October 2024, Atene
Plyfa Art Space, Koritsas 39,
Athina 104 47, Grecia


Siamo molto onorate di partecipare al festival Ecophilia Now di Atene!
Organizzato dal collettivo greco Part Suspended, il festival Ecophilia Now riunisce artiste e artisti da tutto il mondo per confrontarsi sul tema delle criticità ambientali con l’obiettivo di risvegliare l’amore profondo per la terra e il contatto con la natura.
Il nostro contributo:
– Sound installation/installazione sonora “Satellite liquido” (Sara Maino, 2024);
presentata a La semaine du son Unesco (Bruxelles, 2024) e Sete Festival (Rovereto Italy, 2024).
– Talk con il duo di performer-poetesse Marina Kazakova&Sara Maino;
proiezione di video artistici e documentari sulla loro attività artistica che le ha portate a esibirsi in festival letterari internazionali (Irlanda, Italia, Stati Uniti, Olanda, Belgio, Bulgaria, Portogallo, Grecia).

We will present the sound installation Liquid Satellite (Sara Maino, 2024) alongside a talk featuring the performer-poet duo Marina Kazakova and Sara Maino. The talk will feature screenings of art videos and documentaries that highlight their artistic journey, which has led them to perform at international literary festivals in Ireland, Italy, the United States, the Netherlands, Belgium, Bulgaria, Portugal, and Greece.

The ECOPHILIA NOW festival brings together over 20 diverse participants, including performers, musicians, choreographers, visual artists, activists, environmentalists, and poets from across Europe. With representatives from countries such as Greece, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Belgium, France, Romania, Ukraine and Denmark, the festival is international in scope.

The festival’s concept of “ecophilia” — a deep love for Earth and nature as a shared home for all beings — invites participants to nurture their connection with the environment. This focus on “philia” (friendship) with nature is a call to embrace a more caring, sustainable, and mindful approach to how we interact with the environment.