Mani Lit Fest – sound workshop

Saturday October 2nd at 13.00
Stoupa, Greece

The Art of Listening
with Sara Maino

An acoustic ecologic workshop for the development of creativity

The workshop leads to the discovery of different places in the area, starting from the recognition of natural environmental sounds and those produced by human activity. Students are empowered and encouraged to collaborate, using teamwork and also working individually. By following a method of analyzing the soundscape, experiencing it through senses, they will be conducted to the search for words and images to represent it, also through spontaneous associations. Their creative thinking will be given voice. It will be a chance of discovering new “space” within oneself.


Mani Lit Fest – Greece

1 October 2021 h 21.00
Stoupa, Greece

A tale of two

by and with Marina Kazakova and Sara Maino

We take a road through the favourite verses of great poets – alchemists from different centuries, as sparkles. you just need to listen – and we will hear the innermost secrets, learn about the muses of Sappho, Francesco Petrarca, Dante Alighieri, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Marina Tsvetaeva, Igor Severyanin, Joseph Brodsky. 
The answers to all our questions are stored in encrypted messages of poets, they contain the whole palette of human feelings, relationships and experiences – love and grief, resentment and forgiveness, sin and temptation. 
You can overcome whole distances without fear, and stop 5 millimetres from your fate – this is the discovery we want to share in our new performance through their voices and ours.

A tale of two will be followed by a screening of 
‘Marine Elegy’, a short film by sara maino.


Mani Lit Fest

Mani Lit Fest 2021
1st and 2nd October 2021
Mani, Greece

Happy to announce our participation to Mani Lit Fest in Greece next October with my film “Elegia marina”
and with a new performance poetry with Marina Kazakova.
Let’s go on!

Elegia marina. Il mio recente film girato in Belgio sarà proiettato
al Mani Literature Festival in Grecia!
Saremo presenti anche con una nuova performance di poesia, fresca fresca dalle Prealpi!


Poster Marine Elegy
Poster, drawing by Sara Maino 2021