6ª edição do Festival Literário Internacional do Interior – FLII Palavras de Fogo
15-18 June 2023
Lousa-Coimbra, Portugal
Foresta Rossa
A two-poets intermediary show, 2023
Poetry, live painting and intermedia performance
by Sara Maino and Marina Kazakova
Project winner of Culture Moves Europe mobility grant for artists implemented by Goethe Institut
16 June 2023 2:30 pm
Jardim do Centro da Referência da Memória Goiense
16 June 9:00 pm
Auditório da Biblioteca Municipal de Arganil
Panel Discussion – José Vaz, Marina Kazakova and Sara Maino, moderated by Miriella de Vocht
17 June 7:00 pm
Avanteira Municipal Park – Pelmá
Foresta Rossa is a two-poet show featuring spoken poetry, audiovisual and live painting. The performance is created specifically for a festival location in Lousa (Portugal) that was impacted by forest fires.
The show aims to address the issue of environmental emergency and its effects on people, in the face of the increasing threat of global warming.
The performance consists of a pre-structured dialogue, with improvisational parts that respond to the unique context of the performance location.
The site-specific element of the show involves visits to the location to collect memories from victims and analyze artifacts of forest fires.
This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.